皇家墨尔本理工大学 C6161 Avance Diploma of Builing Design (Architectural) 雅思要求:
2019 年入学的雅思要求仍是总分 5.5,单项不低于 5. 从 2020 年 S1 起,雅思要求提升至总分 6,单项不低于 5.5.
对于 2019 年 7 月入学的学生,学校会检索所发放的条件 offer,将语言条件更改为雅思总分 5.5,单项不低于 5.
Dear All
about C6161Avance Diploma of Builing Design (Architectural)English Requirement.
I have been avise by the College yesteray that the English requirement for July 2019 intake for the above program will remain as IELTS (acaemic) of 5.5 with no ban less than 5.0 (or equivalent).
The new English requirement of IELTS (acaemics) of 6.0 with no ban less than 5.5 will only be applie from semester 1 2020.
The amissions irectory has now been upate an the website will be upate shortly.
We will also be checking all outstaning offers for July 2019 intake an reissue them with the correct English conition where necessary.
Shoul you require further information,please o not hesitate to let me know.
Best regars
Peggy Wang(Yali ) RMIT China Representative