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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-09-03 20:00

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

University of Nottingham Course Application Closure Upate

诺丁汉大学 商学院 将在 英国时间 4 月 2 日午夜 停止接收以下 4 个专业的中国学生新申请 :


• MSc Business Analytics

• MSc Entrepreneurship,Innovation an Management


• MSc Risk Management

诺丁汉大学 教育学院 将在 英国时间 4 月 2 日午夜 停止接收以下 3 个硕士专业的国际学生新申请 :


• MA Eucation

• MA Eucation Leaership an Management

以上 英国时间 4 月 2 日午夜 截止接收申请的课程支付申请费的截止日是 2019/4/16 (截止接收新申请的 2 周内) 尽管过了截止日学生仍然可以通过系统递交新申请,但是学校不会处理。英国时间 4 月 2 日 仍然开通的课程如下:
School of Eucation:

MA Special an Inclusive Eucation

MA TCSOL MA Learning,Technology an Eucation

MA Person-Centre Experiential Counselling an Psychotherapy

MA Trauma Stuies
更多课程信息见链接: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/eucation/stuy/postgrauate-taught/inex.aspx
School of English:

MA Applie Linguistics an English Language Teaching

Business School:

MSc Inustrial Engineering an Operations Management

MSc Information Systems an Operations Management

MSc International Tourism Management an Marketing MSc Logistics an Supply Chain Management

MSc Supply Chain an Operations Management

MBA Executive MBA Executive Healthcare

更多课程信息见链接: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstuy/courses/business/taught-courses.aspx

Jointly run courses with the Business School

MSc Applie Biopharmaceutical Biotechnology an Entrepreneurship (ABBE)

MSc Communication an Entrepreneurship

MSc Cultural Inustries an Entrepreneurship

MSc Electrical an Electronic Engineering an Entrepreneurship

MSc Sustainable Energy an Entrepreneurship

MSc Environmental Leaership an Management

