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来源: 留求艺 更新时间:2025-02-25 20:08

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






从光华剑桥历年的录取情况来看,其录取比例一直较低,录取难度高企。以2022年为例,光华剑桥的录取率仅有30%左右。这意味着只有约三分之一的考生能够获得光华剑桥的录取。相形之下,市重点高中对于intypes of problems,especially questions involving equations and functions combined with geometry,as well as comprehensive geometry problems.Tips: Students should be familiar with relevant conclusions and calculation methods for the above key points. Also,attempt more challenging problems during usual practice to get a feel for the level of difficulty.

Interviews focus on assessing English expression,observation,and critical thinking skills

The interview topics tend to be more commonplace,with examiners asking questions and students answering. The main objective is to examine the students' ability in organizing English expressions,observation,and critical thinking.Tips: Oral fluency requires ample practice. Pay attention to developing logical coherence when answering questions. Engage in mock question-answer sessions on frequent topics during usual prep to alleviate nervousness during the actual interview.

In summary,SISU Cambridge has an independent admissions system without direct benchmarks against key high school admission score lines. Historical admission rates run low with intense competition. Students aiming to enroll must prepare thoroughly to stand out among the fierce competition.

【微语】在远方的天空下, 他/她用笔尖书写着未来, 愿每一个夜晚都有星光陪伴, 让梦想不再孤单。
