首先,你的托福分数已经足以申请前五十的学校了(斯坦福可能有点悬,斯坦福的标化要求一般是托福110+,SAT2300左右)。所以如果想要申斯坦福的话,最好再刷一下托福,还要再考一个SAT。不过你六月份毕业之后紧接着八月下一年秋季的申请季就开始了,考sat可能会比较赶,因为你还得准备另外杂七杂八的申请资料,包括:你的高中成绩单,冻结半年以上的资金证明,申请essay,两封推荐信,还有斯坦福要求的supplement essay。这是我去官网查到的一些录取数据和录取要求:
Required Testing
The ACT with Writing or the SAT with Essay is required. Official scores from all test dates must be sent to Stanford directly from the ACT or the College Board (the reporting agency for the SAT) or both if the applicant has taken the ACT and the SAT. Applicants may not use the College Board's Score Choice feature or"hide" any scores with either testing agency.
School Reports & Transcripts
A school report, counselor letter of recommendation and an official high school transcript (grades 9–12) are required. A midyear transcript is required as soon as your first semester or first term senior year grades are available. A final transcript is required if you are admitted to and enroll at Stanford.
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation from two teachers are required.
We recommend selecting grade 11 or 12 teachers in two of the following subject areas:
Foreign language
History/social studies
We want to hear your individual voice in your writing. Write essays that reflect who you are and write in a natural style. Begin work on these essays early, and feel free to ask your parents, teachers and friends to provide constructive feedback. Ask if the essay's tone sounds like your voice. While asking for feedback is suggested, do not enlist hired assistance in the writing of your essays.
The essay prompts for the Common Application and the Coalition Application as well as the Stanford essay questions are listed here. The Stanford essay questions are located in the Stanford Questions section of the Common Application and in the Stanford Application Questions section of the Coalition Application.
Choose one of the following prompts. The Coalition recommends you write an essay between 300 and 400 words and no longer than 500 to 550 words.
Choose one of the following prompts. There is a 250-word minimum and a 650-word maximum.
Candidates respond to all three essay topics. There is a 100-word minimum and a 250-word maximum for each essay.