Year 11 (Unit 1&2)
1、Anti derivatives反导数
2、AP, GP, growth and decayAP,GP,生长和衰退
3、Application of derivatives导数的应用
4、Derivatives; computation and properties (incl. rates of change)衍生品;计算和属性(包括变化率)
5、Functions: linear, polynomials, proportion and inverse proportion & relations函数:线性、多项式、比例和反比例&关系
6、Indices and the index laws and exponential functions指数、指数定律和指数函数
7、Radians – definition and use弧度-定义和使用
8、Sets, probability and counting集合、概率和计数
9、Trigonometric functions三角函数
Year 12 (Unit 3&4)
1、Application of integration微积分的应用
2、Calculus of the logarithmic function对数函数的微积分
3、Continuous random variables, the normal distribution,sampling and proportions连续随机变量,正态分布,抽样和比例
4、Differentiation; the second derivative, rules and applications差异化;二阶导数、规则和应用
5、Discrete random variables, Bernoulli and binomial distributions离散随机变量,伯努利分布和二项式分布
6、Exponential functions指数函数
7、Integration; indefinite, definite and fundamental theorem微积分、不定积分、定和基本定理
8、Logarithmic functions对数函数
9、Trigonometric functions三角函数
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