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来源: 留求艺 更新时间:2025-03-11 12:58

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>




Option A:The nineteenth century: the development of modern nation states, 1848-1914十九世纪:现代民族国家的发展,1848-1914

The content focuses on the following Key Questions:内容集中在以下关键问题上:

Were the Revolutions of 1848 important?1848年的革命重要吗?

How was Italy unified?意大利是如何统一的?

How was Germany unified?德国是如何统一的?

Why was there a civil war in the United States and what were its results?美国为什么会发生内战,结果如何?

Why, and with what effects, did Europeans expand their overseas empires in the nineteenth century?欧洲人在十九世纪扩张海外帝国的原因是什么,产生了什么影响?

What caused the First World War?是什么导致了第一次世界大战?

Option B:The twentieth century: international relations since 1919二十世纪:1919年以来的国际关系

The content focuses on the following Key Questions:内容集中在以下几个关键问题上:

Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?1919-23年的和平条约公平吗?

To what extent was the League of Nations a success?国际联盟在多大程度上取得了成功?

Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?为什么国际和平在1939年崩溃了?

Who was to blame for the Cold War?冷战该归咎于谁?

How effectively did the United States contain the spread of Communism?美国在多大程度上有效地遏制了共产主义的蔓延?

How secure was the USSR's control over Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989?1948-1989年间,苏联对东欧的控制有多稳固?

Why did events in the Gulf matter, c.1970-2000?为什么海湾事件很重要,大约在1970-2000年?

Depth Studies:深度研究:

The First World War, 1914-18第一次世界大战,1914-18年

Germany, 1918-45德国,1918-45年

Russia, 1905–41俄罗斯,1905-41年

The United States, 1919–41美国。1919–-41年

China, c.1930-c.1990中国,约1930-1990年

South Africa, c.1940-c.1994南非,约1940-约1994年

Israelis and Palestinians since 1945自1945年以来的以色列和巴勒斯坦


【微语】他在知识的海洋里遨游, 每一滴汗水都浇灌着未来的花朵, 绽放着希望的芬芳。
