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来源: 留求艺 更新时间:2025-03-03 01:45

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Production Methods 生产方式

There are four ways for manufacturing businesses to organise their production - job production, batch production, flow production and cell production.


Job production 作业生产

This method of production involves an item being manufactured entirely by one worker or by a group of workers. 这种生产方式是指完全由一名工人或一组工人来制造一件物品。

These items are often made to customer requirements, rather than being mass produced. This type of production is usually undertaken by small businesses and craft industries (e.g. carpenters), although larger businesses which specialise in 'one-off' products (e.g. bridges) may also use this production method. 这些物品通常是根据客户的要求制作的,而不是大规模生产。这种类型的生产通常由小型企业和手工业(如木匠)承担,尽管专门生产 "一次性 "产品的大型企业(如桥梁)也可能使用这种生产方法。

Batch production 批量生产

This method of production involves the manufacture of an item being divided into a number of small tasks. A collection (or 'batch') of items each have one of these tasks completed, and then the batch moves onto the next manufacturing task.


In other words, several items have the same task performed on each of them and then they move onto the next task together in a group.


This production method can result in the build-up of large amounts of stock and work-in-progress. This may be a problem if the business is in a fashion industry, where customers' tastes can change quickly and unpredictably, leaving the business with much stock that it is unable to sell.


Flow production 流动生产

This method of production involves the tasks which were identified in 'batch' production becoming continuous for each unit, often with the use of a moving conveyor belt (e.g. a car assembly line). Each unit is produced individually, instead of being produced in batches.

这种生产方式涉及到在 "批量 "生产中确定的任务成为每个单元的连续任务,通常使用移动的传送带(例如,汽车装配线)。每个单元都是单独生产的,而不是成批生产的。

This type of production is usually undertaken by large businesses. This method of production was first established by Henry Ford in the 1920s, when he developed the world's first automated production line. This involved each car passing the workers on a moving conveyor belt, rather than the workers continually moving to the car. This method should boost labour productivity and reduce average cost of production even further.


It is often argued that flow production leads to high rates of alienation, demotivation and absenteeism amongst the employees - it is for these reasons that much machinery is today used on these production lines to perform simple, repetitive tasks which humans may easily become bored in performing.


Cell production 单元生产

This method of manufacturing an item organises workers into 'cells' within the factory, with each cell comprising several workers who each possess different skills. Each cell is independent of the other cells and will usually produce a complete item, and each cell will usually have an output target to achieve for a given period of time.

这种制造物品的方法将工人组织到工厂的 "单元 "中,每个单元由几个工人组成,他们各自拥有不同的技能。每个单元都独立于其他单元,通常会生产一个完整的物品,每个单元通常都有一个产出目标,要在一定时间内完成。

It is often argued that if the group of workers in each cell can see the completion of the finished product, then their work will have more meaning and therefore their levels of motivation and job satisfaction will be greatly enhanced.



