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来源: 留求艺 更新时间:2025-03-10 11:39

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

国内的家长可能对于雷斯中学知之甚少,但它在英国私校圈中可以说是“野奢”般的存在,1936年诺贝尔生理学或者医学奖获得者、英国神经科学家亨利·哈利特·戴尔也都曾就读于这所私校,可是,入读私校要经过笔试,下面,小编就为大家带来了雷斯中学The Leys School 10+英语入学考试笔试题型大赏析,希望对大家有所帮助:


Year 6(10+)英语A卷入学考试笔试测试题








Section A

Read the passage carefully

Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided

Use your own words where possible, backing up your ideas from the text.

Section A: Comprehension

Section A: Comprehension Questions

Answer the questions below in clear, accurate English and full, complete sentences.

Look at the first paragraph in order to answer questions …

1. What does Robert believe he has heard on the breeze?


2. In your own words, describe the weather described at the start of this story.



3. In your own words, describe the landscape at the start of this story.



4. Can you locate two verbs that have been used to describe the actions of the sun?


5. Can you find one simile that has been used in the first paragraph?


6. The story is set in Ireland, yet the writer says it is “a strange land, almost the dark side of the moon”. Can you give one reason as to what the writer may mean?



7. Writing in full sentences, explain what “the lush green wand of Ireland had missed this place” might mean.



Now consider the rest of the story:

8. Using quotations from the text, write down three descriptions of Sarah that the writer provides.



9. In your own words, explain how Robert feels about Sarah and why. Please give at least two reasons.



10.In your own words, explain how Robert feels about Heather. Please give at least two reasons.



11.Can you find a word in the story that means the following:

a. Thinly dispersed, scattered, in short supply …………………….……….……………….

b. A description of genuine feelings free from trickery, deceit or lie...........….……………...

Reflecting on the story as a whole:

12.How does the writer create a sense of mystery about the environment? Include three quotations to support your answer.




Section B: Writing

Write a response to ONE of the following ONLY. You should aim to write at least a side.

But, remember: what you write is more important than how much you write.

You will also be rewarded for the correct use of paragraphs and good spelling and grammar.


Write a description about a time you were on an adventure with a friend. Use plenty of detail and descriptive techniques to explore who this friend was, what they mean to you and what you were both doing.


Write a letter to a friend about a recent trip you took to a mysterious land. Use plenty of detail in your writing to describe the environment. You may wish to base this letter and your description on a real place or somewhere invented.




【微语】孩子远赴重洋, 为梦想启航, 愿旅途平安顺利, 未来可期。
