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来源: 留求艺 更新时间:2025-03-08 21:39

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>

美国本科大多数专业都会要求至少要修“数学或计算机(在BU叫MCS)”两门基础课。以下CAS是文理学院的意思。MA XXX 是课程代号。更加具体的课程的设置同学们可以去学校的官网自己查询哈~如果同学们有美国大学本科基础数学的辅导需求,可以联系我们的客服老师,教务部会同步海外课程,帮助学生进行辅导学习的。


CAS MA 107: Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems

Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems Required for undergraduates seeking licensure in elementary education,early childhood education,special education,or deaf studies. Focuses on number systems,whole number,decimal and fraction concepts and operations,and number theory. Non-Wheelock students by signed permission only.Does not satisfy CAS Divisional Studies or Math/Stat major.

CAS MA 108: Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Algebra,Geometry,and Statistics

Undergraduate prerequisites: CAS MA 107 or SED ME 503.

Required for undergraduates seeking licensure in elementary education,special education,or deaf studies. Focuses on topics in algebra,geometry,measurement,and statistics. Non-SED students by signed permission only. Does not satisfy CAS Divisional Studies or Math/Stat major.


CAS MA 109: The Art and Science of Quantitative Reasoning

Buying music on-line,making phone calls,predicting the weather,or controlling disease outbreaks would be impossible without mathematics,statistics,and computer science. Focuses on methods of reasoning common to these disciplines,and how they enable the modern world. Also offered as CAS CS 109. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.

CAS MA 111: Mathematical Explorations

Students explore challenging mathematics problems chosen from an array of topics that can be solved in multiple ways. Includes making,testing,and modifying conjectures; constructing proofs; posing new problems; extensive classroom interaction; reflective and other writing.

CAS MA 113: Elementary Statistics

CAS MA 113 may not be taken for credit by any student who has completed any MA course numbered 300 or higher. Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 113,MA 115,or MA 213. Basic concepts of estimation and tests of hypotheses,ideas from probability; one-,two-,and multiple-sample problems. Applications will be in social sciences and students will be able to answer understand the basics of using a sample to predict uncertainty. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.

CAS MA 115: Statistics I

CAS MA 115 may not be taken for credit by any student who has completed any MA course numbered 300 or higher. Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 113,MA 115,or MA 213. Numerical and graphical summaries of univariate and bivariate data. Basic probability,random variables,binomial distribution,normal distribution. One- sample statistical inference for normal means and binomial probabilities. primarily for students in the social sciences with limited mathematics preparation. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.

CAS MA 116: Statistics II

Undergraduate prerequisites: CAS MA 115; or equivalent.

CAS MA 116 may not be taken for credit by any student who has completed any MA course numbered 300 or higher. Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 116,MA 214,or MA 614. This course introduces basic statistical modeling techniques. One- or two- sample inference for unknown means,proportions and variances,categorical data analysis,introduction to design of experiments and analysis of variance,analysis of simple and multiple linear regression models,non-parametric methods. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.

CAS MA 118: College Algebra and Trigonometry

MA 118 may not be taken for credit by any student who has completed any MA course numbered 121 or higher. Functions and graphs. Linear and quadratic equations. Exponents; logarithms. Right and oblique triangles; trigonometric functions. Optimization. Specifically intended to prepare students with insufficient background in mathematics for the study of calculus. This course may not be used in fulfillment of the divisional studies requirement. Satisfies the mathematics requirement in the College program.

CAS MA 119: Applied Mathematics for personal Finance

Applications of mathematics for personal financial decision-making. Systems of equations,exponential functions,logarithms,probability,descriptive statistics,and numerical simulation,for modeling saving,borrowing,inflation,purchasing power,taxation,government benefits,risk management,insurance,annuities,and investments. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.

CAS MA 120: Applied Mathematics for Social and Management Sciences

MA 120 may not be taken for credit by any student who has completed any MA course numbered 124 or higher. Topics chosen from Linear equations,systems of linear equations,matrix algebra,exponential functions and logarithms,elements of differential calculus,optimization,probability. Some sections focus on applications in economics,finance,and management. Satisfies both mathematics requirement and divisional studies requirement. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.

CAS MA 121: Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I

Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 121 or CAS MA 123. Differentiation and integration of functions of one variable. Same topics as CAS MA 123,but with less emphasis on mathematical generality and more on applications. Especially suitable for students concentrating in the biological and social sciences. Carries MCS Divisional credit in CAS.

CAS MA 122: Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences II

Undergraduate prerequisites: CAS MA 121 or CAS MA 123.

Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 122,MA 124,MA 127 or MA 129. Continuation of CAS MA 121. Review of univariate calculus,calculus of the elementary transcendental functions,elementary differential equations,elementary multivariate calculus. Applications to exponential growth,optimization,equilibrium,and dynamic modeling problems. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.

这以上的课程在后面如果加上了Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS,那就是学校认可的符合标准的课程,可以当做两门之一来选。没有写的是符合了BU另外一个通识课标准体系,不过大多数学生走的是第一个体系。



CAS MA 123: Calculus I

Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 121 or CAS MA 123. Limits; derivatives; differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions. Applications to maxima,minima,and convexity of functions. The definite integral; the fundamental theorem of integral calculus. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.


CAS MA 124: Calculus II

Undergraduate prerequisites: CAS MA 121 or CAS MA 123.

Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 122,MA 124,MA 127,or MA 129. Logarithmic,exponential,and trigonometric functions. Sequences and series; Taylor's series with the remainder. Methods of integration. Calculus I and II together constitute an introduction to calculus of a function of a single real variable. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.


CAS MA 150: Investigations in Geometry

An immersion experience in mathematical thinking and mathematical habits of mind. Students investigate topics in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry starting from basic elementary material and leading to an overview of current research topics. Does not satisfy MCS Divisional requirement. Does satisfy CAS WR 150 requirement.


CAS MA 193: Discrete Mathematics for Engineering

propositional logic,set theory,relations,combinatorics,graphs. Topics are treated with particular emphasis on applications to the engineering discipline. (Cannot be taken for credit in addition to CAS MA 293.)


CAS MA 213: Basic Statistics and probability

Undergraduate prerequisites: good background in high school algebra.

Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 113,MA 115,or MA 213. Elementary treatment of probability densities,means,variances,correlation,independence,the central limit theorem,confidence intervals,and p-values. Students will be able to answer questions such as how can a pollster use a sample to predict the uncertainty of an election? Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.


CAS MA 214: Applied Statistics

Undergraduate prerequisites: CAS MA 213; or consent of instructor.

Students may receive credit for not more than one of the following courses: CAS MA 116,MA 214,or MA 614. Inference about proportions,goodness of fit,student's t-distribution,tests for normality; two-sample comparisons,regression and correlation,tests for linearity and outliers,residual analysis,contingency tables,analysis of variance. Carries MCS divisional credit in CAS.


