UpCH: 人文方向预科,衔接法律,文学类课程,主要测试Critical Thinking以及如果你之后想选修的专业里面有数学的话也需要考数学;
UpCSE: 理工类方向课程,衔接CS,Math,Engineer等课程,需要根据自己以后想修的方向,从生物,化学,数学,物理四门课中选俩门来考。
1.最遥远,你在伦敦,去学校考(极少的情况m(o_ _)m)
2. 最方便,由你的中介老师或者你的升学老师监考,试题会直接发给你的老师。,但是学校为了保证考试的最真实性,参加这种考试方式的同学们到校后会被再安排一次测试哦。
3. 最常见,每年3月左右UCL都会在国内安排考试,建议大家提早申请~这样就可以赶上学校官方测试了哦。
数理化一直以来是大家的强项,今天主要以critical thinking的准备给大家分析下~
1. A good way to prepare is to become familiar with the following terms: theme,conclusion,paradox,inference,premise,argument,counter-argument,fallacy,generalisation,and paraphrase. Check what these mean in a dictionary and look up examples online.
2. One of the best ways to prepare would be to read challenging texts in English as frequently as possible. You should follow international news in a wide variety of issues: ethical,political,environmental,artistic,etc. and favour articles written by a named expert or writer commenting on a piece of news over factual or content-based articles.
3. When you read,read actively! You could try to identify important words and concepts. If you think you know what they mean,test yourself: imagine a friend does not understand an idea or a concept,how would you explain it to him/her? Check in a dictionary. Also,when you read or watch the news,try to be active,to engage with the material: what do you think? Why? Make notes
4. You could also engage in debates and discussions in English with friends and teachers whenever you have a chance. Join a debate club if this is possible. In general you should train yourself in finding reasons and arguments to support your opinions. For instance if you believe a government is right in making a decision,you should be able to explain why you think this decision is good. Try to avoid personal examples – e.g. referring to your family and friends – and anecdotes.
5. During the test you should read the text very carefully and at least several times before you read the questions. Then you should read each question carefully to make sure that you have understood it and that you know what exactly is asked from you: how many arguments or examples do you need to present,must you refer to the passage and quote it or on the contrary write an answer using your own arguments and examples? It can be stressful not to find the right answer immediately. If this happens,then it is better to skip this part of the test,answer the other questions and come back to it if you have time.
6. You can also try the sample test available online; this will allow you to become more familiar with the format of the test and typical questions that can be asked.