留学生在写作英文论文的时候,通常会涉及到bibliography的撰写。bibliography其实就是你用来为你的论文获取信息的各种来源的列表,一般包含在你论文的最后一页(或最后几页)的末尾。和reference list一样。在撰写bibliography的时候,也会涉及一些具体的格式要求,今天小编就给大家详细介绍一些一下MLA格式和ApA两种常见写作格式中的bibliography格式要求。
格式:Author (last name first). Title of the book. publisher,Date of publication.
MLA格式:Sibley,David Allen. What It’s Like to Be a Bird. From Flying to Nesting,Eating to Singing,What Birds Are Doing,and Why. Alfred A. Knopf,2020.
ApA格式:Sibley,D.A. (2020). What It’s Like to Be a Bird. From Flying to Nesting,Eating to Singing,What Birds Are Doing,and Why. Alfred A. Knopf.
MLA格式:The SB Nation Family of Sites. pension plan puppets: A Toronto Maple Leafs Blog,2022. www.pensionplanpuppets.com. Accessed 15 Feb. 2022.
ApA格式:American Heart Association. (2022. April 11). How to keep your dog’s heart healthy. https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/04/11/how-to-keep-your-dogs-heart-healthy
ApA格式:Duehren,A. (2022. April 9). Janet Yellen faces challenge to keep pressure on Russia. Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/janet-yellen-faces-challenge-to-keep-pressure-on-russia-while-addressing-global-consequences-11650366000
MLA格式:Booch,Grady. "patterns in Object-Oriented Design." IEEE Software Engineering,vol. 6. no. 6. 2006. pp. 31-50.
ApA格式:Booch,G. (2006). patterns in object-oriented design. IEEE Software Engineering,6(6),31–50.
Note: It is suggested that you include a DOI and a webpage address when referencing either a printed journal article,and electronic journal article,or an journal article that appears in both formats.
MLA格式: @Grady_Booch. “That’s a bold leap over plain old battery power cars.” Twitter,13 Mar. 2013. 12:06 p.m.,https://twitter.com/Grady_Booch/status/1516379006727188483.
ApA格式:Westborough Library [@WestboroughLib]. (2022. April 12). Calling all 3rd through 5th grade kids! Join us for the Epic Writing Showdown! Winner receives a prize! Space is limited so register,today. loom.ly/ypaTG9Q [Tweet; thumbnail link to article]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/WestboroughLib/status/1516373550415896588.
格式:Author (last name first),"Article Title." Name of magazine. Volume number,(Date): page numbers.
MLA格式:Stiteler,Sharon. "Tracking Red-Breasted Grosbeak Migration." Minnesota Bird Journal,7 Sept. 2019. pp. 7-11.
ApA格式: Jordan,Jennifer,"Filming at the Top of the World." Museum of Science Magazine. Volume 47. No. 1. (Winter 1998): p. 11.
格式:Author (last name first),"Article Title." Name of newspaper,city,state of publication. (date): edition if available,section,page number(s).
MLA格式: Adelman,Martin. "Augustus Announces Departure from City Manager post." New York Times,late ed.,15 February 2020. p. A1
ApA格式:Adelman,M. (2020. February 15). Augustus announced departure from city manager post. New York Times,A1.
格式:Encyclopedia Title,Edition Date. Volume Number,"Article Title," page numbers.
MLA格式:“Gorillas.” The Encyclopedia Brittanica. 15th ed. 2010.
ApA格式:Encyclopedia Brittanica,Inc. (1997.) Gorillas. In The Encyclopedia Brittanica (15th ed.,pp. 50-51). Encyclopedia Brittanica,Inc.
MLA格式:Fury. Directed by David Ayer,performances by Brad pitt,Shia LaBeouf,Jon Bernthal,Sony pictures,2014.
ApA格式:Ayer,D. (Director). (2014). Fury [Film]. Sony pictures.