同学们大家早上好,学姐昨天收到了很多Brentwood College School学校同学的求助,他们跟学姐反馈收经济学当中的知识点学不明白,老师讲的特别快,跟不上这门课程的进度。
Later developments
A second challenge to the Keynesian school arose in the 1970s,when the American economist Robert E. Lucas,Jr.,laid the foundations of what came to be known as the New Classical school of thought in economics. Lucas’s key introduced the rational-expectations hypothesis. As opposed to the ideas in earlier Keynesian and monetarist models that viewed the individual decision makers in the economy as shortsighted and backward-looking,Lucas argued that decision makers,insofar as they are rational,do not base their decisions solely on current and past data; they also form expectations about the future on the basis of a vast array of information available to them. That fact implies that a change in monetary policy,if it has been predicted by rational agents,will have no effect on real variables such as output and the unemployment rate,because the agents will have acted upon the implications of such a policy even before it is implemented. As a result,predictable changes in monetary policy will result in changes in nominal variables such as prices and wages but will not have any real effects.
Following Lucas’s pioneering work,economists including Finn E. Kydland and Edward C. prescott developed rigorous macroeconomic models to explain the fluctuations of the business cycle,which came to be known in the macroeconomic literature as real-business-cycle (RBC) models. RBC models were based on strong mathematical foundations and utilized Lucas’s idea of rational expectations. An important outcome of the RBC models was that they were able to explain macroeconomic fluctuations as the product of a myriad of external and internal shocks (unpredictable events that hit the economy). primarily,they argued that shocks that result from changes in technology can account for the majority of the fluctuations in the business cycle.