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留学生论文direct citation怎么引用?各种不同格式要求详解!

来源: 留求艺 更新时间:2025-03-29 15:36

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同学们在撰写论文的时候,通常会被要求使用特定格式去写作,目前主流的格式要求主要有ApA格式、哈佛style格式、MLA等几种格式。今天小编将给同学们详细介绍一下这几种格式要求中对direct citation的界定。

留学生论文direct citation怎么引用?各种不同格式要求详解!

一、什么是direct citation?

direct citation就是直接引用,是论文写作中经常会遇到的一种引用方式,即直接把别人的作品或者你本人以前的作品拿过来使用,原封不动。但是引用不代表抄袭,你需要用规范的引用格式来标注具体的内容。通常情况下,在文中使用引号完整的直接引用一般是在四十个单词之内,超过的部分将不再使用引号,而是作为一个独立的文本段落单独出现。

二、ApA格式的direct citation直接引用要求



eg.A recent study of student plagiarism found that “plagiarism is often a matter of confusion rather than deception” (Horváth & Kovács,2020. p. 4).


eg.Sometimes it is necessary to quote a source at length:

Block quoting is particularly useful when you want to comment on an author’s language or present an argument that you will then critique. By setting the quote on a new line and indenting it,the passage is clearly marked apart from your own words. Therefore,no quotation marks are necessary. (O’Connor,2019. p. 38)

三、哈佛style的direct citation直接引用要求


eg. “He put up his book of notes in a very deliberate manner” (Gaskell,1855. p. 290).


eg.eg. The narrator describes why Radley house was different from the otherwise amiable neighborhood of Maycomb county. As stated by Lee (1960. p. 9):

The Radleys,welcome anywhere in town,kept to themselves,a predilection unforgivable in Maycomb. They did not go to church,Maycomb’s principal recreation,but worshiped at home; Mrs. Radley seldom if ever crossed the street for a mid-morning coffee break with her neighbors,and certainly never joined a missionary circle.

This clearly shows why the Radleys were different.

文末eg.Gaskell,E. (1855) North and south. London: Vintage publishing.

四、MLA格式的direct citation直接引用要求



eg.Coates,Ta-Nehisi. Between the World and Me. Spiegel & Gray,2015.


eg.“In writing,perfection is the enemy of the people.” (Lamott 28).

以上就是关于三种常见论文写作格式中对direct citation论文直接引用的要求介绍,同学们在撰写论文的过程中一定要严格遵循老师所要求的具体格式噢~大家在论文写作中有任何难题,欢迎咨询我们留求艺的优秀教师团队。
