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来源: 留求艺 更新时间:2025-03-10 16:18

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>


美国蒙大拿州立大学电气与计算机工程学院张莹博士招收2022秋季或者2023春季入学全奖博士研究生,研究方向为1)高比例可再生资源渗透下的配电系统运行优化或2)人工智能在cyber-physical system的应用。美国博士研究生






有意者请发送简历和代表论文至邮箱imyingzhang ieee.org并标明邮件主题:phD Student Candidate。


张莹博士于2014年和2017年在山东大学分别获得电气工程学士和硕士学位,2020年在美国南卫理公会大学获得电气工程博士学位。她将于2022秋季入职美国Montana州立大学电气与计算机工程学院担任Assistant professor。

在加入MSU之前,她是美国能源部下属布鲁克黑文国家实验室交叉科学部门的一名博士后研究员。她的研究兴趣包括高比例可再生能源渗透下的基于优化和人工智能技术的电力系统态势感知。她获得过国家奖学金和南卫理公会大学E.Terman Award for Graduate Students。她在电气工程领域多个顶级期刊(IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,IEEE Transactions on power Systems,和IEEE Transactions on power Delivery等)发表学术著作十二余篇,包括一篇ESI全球前1%高被引论文。张莹博士为100余篇期刊/会议论文担任专家审稿人。她是IEEE配电系统状态估计工作组成员,IEEE电气能源学会女工程师协会成员,和布鲁克黑文女性科学家协会成员。留求艺

蒙大拿州立大学Montana State University(MSU)是蒙大拿州立大学系统四所校区的旗舰校区,美国赠与地大学,被美国公认为是公立研究型大学的领导者。开设了125个专业,主要专业领域包括:农业、艺术与建筑、商业、教育、健康与人类发展、工程、文学与科学、护理,授予副学士、学士、硕士和博士学位。


Montana State University,founded in 1893,is a public land-grant research university in Bozeman,Montana,U.S.The university's 1,170 acres campus is the largest in the state.MSU offers baccalaureate degrees in 60 fields,master's degrees in 68 fields,and doctoral degrees in 35 fields through its nine colleges.

MSU is one of 146 institutions that are classified as“R1:Doctoral Universities–Very high research activity”in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

ECE Department Introduction:

Our engineering technology and computer science programs are at the core of MSU’s land-grant mission.The ECE department specializes in research and education in reconfigurable computing,embedded systems,optics,lasers,MEMS/MOEMS,bioMEMS,acoustics and audio,communications,complex systems,power systems,and power electronics,taught by the faculty team graduating from Stanford,MIT,EpFL,Télécom paris,Georgia Tech,etc.One of latest research progresses is space computer developed at MSU headed to moon.

program Introduction:

The power System program at MSU has been developed by Dr.Hashem Nehrir(IEEE Life Fellow for contribution to alternative energy power generation systems modeling and control)since 1980s.In the decades,this program in MSU was supported by a variety of sources,including:The US National Science Foundation,USDOE,pacific Northwest National Laboratory,Electric power Research Institute,NorthWestern Energy,Montana Electric power Cooperatives,and Montana Electric power Affiliates program.

Life in Bozeman:

Known for its high quality of life and regularly featured on national“Best places”lists,Bozeman combines a vibrant downtown,walkable and bikeable neighborhoods,and easy access to nearby mountains and rivers(e.g.,Yellowstone National park).Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport,10 miles away from MSU,is the traffic hinge connecting Bozeman and the surrounding cities and helps stretch out the residents’weekend life to Seattle,portland,Denver,and Salt Lake City within about two hours.MSU is#1 in Top 10 Universities for Ski Bums.美国蒙大拿州立大学


1.Full CV,including a summary of educational background,grades,publication list,and research experience;

2.TOEFL/IETLS scores;

3.GRE scores(if applicable);

4.Undergraduate transcript;

5.Graduate degree transcript(if applicable);

6.published papers(if applicable)




