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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2025-03-04 14:19

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



   在申请过程中,学校收到申请后,如果符合要求,学校会邮件通知面试,小伙伴通常不知道该怎么准备,下面给大家提供一些Guiance Notes(英文部分选自杜伦MBA申请指导),注意看哦~

1. 首先学校为什么会安排面试?

a. To give you the opportunity to expan on the information you have alreay provie in your written application,particularly with regar to your management an professional experience. ( 学校希望看到基于申请材料之外的拓展内容,特别是在管理和专业经验方面。)

b. To enable the School to fin out more about you - an to enable you to fin out more about the School an the MBA programme. (双向了解,让学校了解更多自己的信息,同时也进一步增加自己对于申请院校和MBA课程的了解)

c. To provie you with an opportunity to meet a member of University staff ‘face to face’ prior to the start ate of the MBA programme. (有机会和导师面对面交流,增加亲近感,MBA面试很大可能是之后硕士课程导师哦,要好好把握机会哦~)

. To help ensure the robustness of the School’s overall amissions policy an proceures in general. (确保学校招生政策的稳定性,按流程走)

e. To emonstrate to you as an MBA applicant that the School approaches amissions an recruitment in a professional an thorough manner. (近距离接触到学校对于申请者全面,专业的招生方式)

f. To enable school to emphasise to you,some of the key aspects of the MBA (eg the participative nature,of some of the personal Development Components. (学校会给到申请者MBA课程的一些关键信息,对于以后职业规划和发展非常有利)

2. 面试如何准备

g. Rea the MBA stuent specification. (了解MBA课程的申请要求,如果刚刚达到或者差一点达到申请要求,需要考虑如果从其他方面进一步提升自己的优势)

h. Re-rea your MBA application form to remin yourself what you have tol us so far.


i. Be prepare to expan upon the information on your application form. The University is particularly intereste in your professional experience. (学校对于申请者的专业经验是非常感兴趣的,尤其是申请材料之外的拓展内容)

j. Why o you want to stuy an MBA at our university? Be prepare to tell us your motives for stuying an MBA an why you wish to stuy at our Business School in particular.(基本面试都会遇到的问题,为什么选择我们学校的MBA课程已经未来的一些规划)

k. We will want to reassure ourselves that,if offere a place on our MBA programme,you will participate fully in the programme an work well with stuents from a wie range of backgrouns. Hence think carefully about evience you can provie which is relevant to these criteria.

3. 面试的一些基本问题

l. Self-introuction(自我介绍)

m. Why(为什么选择来英国深造)

n. Why(为什么选择申请XXXXX大学)

o. Why(为什么选择学习这个专业)

p. professional Experience(说说你在专业方面的经历)

q. Talent an potential(申请优势在哪里呢?为什么要给你录取呢)

r. Career planning(学习和职业规划)

s. Q&A (你有什么问题需要问我吗)

t. 同时也会有其他的问题,比如天气,住宿什么的,灵活回答即可。
