2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>
To: All Manual Holers
This circular outlines changes to immigration instructions. A copy of the amene instructions is attache.
All immigration officers ealing with immigration applications shoul rea the amenments an operate in accorance with the amene instructions on an after 19 February 2018.
The amenments escribe in this circular will be publishe in the Immigration New Zealan Operational Manual in ue course.
Any enquiries about these amenments shoul be irecte to the Immigration Contact Centre on 0508 558 855 or 09 914 4100 (Aucklan only).
Description of changes
Appenix 4 – Long Term Skills Shortage List
The LTSSL has been amene to remove the following occupations that are no longer in long-term shortage:
· Anaesthetist
· Forest Scientist
· pathologist
· petroleum Engineer
· Renal Meicine Specialist
The requirements for some occupations on the LTSSL have also been amene:
· For a range of ICT occupations,reference to having certification from the Institution of professional Engineers New Zealan (IpENZ) has been replace with certification from IT professionals New Zealan. Certification must show the applicant’s egree an any further learning is benchmarke to what woul be neee for Chartere IT professional New Zealan status.
· Other references to IpENZ throughout the LTSSL have been upate to Engineering New Zealan,following a change of name. An explanatory note has also been ae.
· The requirements for Environmental Research Scientist have been upate so that an applicant’s major area of stuy can inclue environmental engineering.
· The requirements for Electronic Engineering Technician have been upate to refer to New Zealan Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) Electronic Engineering.
No occupations have been ae to the LTSSL.
Appenix 4 - Long Term Skill Shortage List
This is the revise Long Term Skill Shortage List,effective from 19 February 2018.
This list is part of Government temporary entry immigration instructions as escribe in section 22 of the Immigration Act 2009 (see WR3.10.1) an Government resience instructions as escribe in sections 22 an 23 of the Immigration Act 2009 (see RW4).
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OccupationalOccupationLong Term Skill Shortage List Requirements
GroupOccupations are listeQualifications must be comparable to the stanar of the New Zealan
by ANZSCOqualification liste. Also see Note 1 at the en of this list.
(Australian an New
Zealan Stanar
Classification of
Occupations) coe.
ConstructionConstruction projectOne of the following:
Manager (Roaing- Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Civil Engineering) (NZQF Level 8)
an Infrastructure)- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) (NZQF Level 7)
(133111)- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Highways Engineering) (NZQF Level
- A bachelor’s egree at NZQF Level 7,or a higher qualification with the
minimum equivalent of 360 creits,which inclues the requirements of a
New Zealan major in the focus areas of construction management or
highway engineering
- A Grauate Diploma at NZQF Level 7,or a higher qualification which
inclues the knowlege requirements of a New Zealan Grauate
Diploma in the focus areas of construction management,highway
engineering or construction project management
- A iploma at NZQF Level 6,or a higher qualification,with the minimum
equivalent of 240 creits,which inclues the knowlege requirements of
a New Zealan Diploma in the focus areas of civil engineering,highway
engineering or construction management
- A Washington Accor or Syney Accor accreite unergrauate
(initial) engineering egree in Civil Engineering (liste - see Note 3)
- A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher,with a letter from
New Zealan
benchmark requirements towars Chartere professional Engineer
professional status in New Zealan
- NZ registration in the fiel of civil engineering as a Chartere
professional Engineer or an Engineering Technologist by
a minimum of five years’ relevant post-qualification work experience
Constructionproject BuilerOne of the following qualifications:
(incluing Builing- A bachelor’s egree at NZQF Level 7,or a higher qualification with the
project Manager anminimum equivalent of 360 creits,which inclues the requirements of a
Site Foreman)New Zealan major in quantity surveying or construction economics
(133112)- A Grauate Diploma at NZQF Level 7,or a higher qualification,which
inclues the knowlege requirements of a New Zealan Grauate
Diploma in the focus areas of construction,construction management or
construction project management
- A iploma at NZQF Level 6,or a higher qualification,with the minimum
equivalent of 240 creits,which inclues the knowlege requirements of
a New Zealan Diploma (Level 6) in the focus areas of quantity surveying,
construction economics,construction management or builing
a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience
ConstructionQuantity SurveyorOne of the following:
(233213)- A bachelor’s egree at NZQF Level 7,or a higher qualification with the
minimum equivalent of 360 creits,which inclues the requirements of a
New Zealan major in quantity surveying or construction economics
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- Stuent or Affiliate Membership,or MNZIQS,of the New Zealan
Institute of Quantity Surveyors (with an overseas egree approve by
a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience
ConstructionSurveyor (232212)One of the following:
- Bachelor of Surveying (NZQF Level 7)
- Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (NZQF Level 8)
- Registration as a professional Surveyor with the New Zealan Institute
of Surveyors
- professional Associate Membership or an Overseas Member of the New
Zealan Institute of Surveyors (with an overseas egree approve by
EngineeringChemical EngineerOne of the following:
(233111),Materials- A Washington Accor accreite (initial) engineering egree (liste - see
Engineer (233112),Note 3)
Civil Engineer- A Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (NZQF Level 8)
(233211),- A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher,with a letter from
GeotechnicalNew Zealan
Engineer (233212),benchmark requirements towars Chartere professional Engineer
Structural Engineerprofessional status in New Zealan
(233214),Electrical- NZ registration as a Chartere professional Engineer by
Engineer (233311),New Zealan.
Electronics Engineer
Engineer (233511),
Mechanical Engineer
prouction or plant
Engineer (233513),
Engineer (233915),
professionals nec
EngineeringCivil EngineeringOne of the following:
Technician (312212)- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) (NZQF Level 7)
- A iploma at NZQF Level 6,or a higher qualification,with the minimum
equivalent of 240 creits,which inclues the knowlege requirements of
the New Zealan Diploma in Engineering (Civil) (Level 6)
- A Washington Accor or Syney Accor accreite unergrauate
(initial) engineering egree in Civil Engineering (liste - see Note 3)
- A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher,with a letter from
New Zealan
benchmark requirements towars Chartere professional Engineer status
in New Zealan
- NZ registration in the fiel of Civil Engineering as a Chartere
professional Engineer or as an Engineering Technologist by
New Zealan
a minimum of three years’ work experience incluing a minimum of 12
months’ relevant post-qualification work experience in the past 18
EngineeringElectricalOne of the following:
Engineering- Bachelor’s egree in Engineering with Honours (Electrical an Electronic
Technician (312312)Engineering) (NZQF Level 8)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical Engineering) (NZQF Level
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical an Electronic
Engineering) (NZQF Level 7)
详细咨询王盈老师 电话:17710311671