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来源: 留求艺留学 更新时间:2024-06-08 17:43

2025年留学申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>




关于工作,最先来看看你的学生签上关于 Work permission (工作许可)的官方描述

For stuents with permission to work,the maximum amount of part-time work a stuent can o uring term time is:

§20 hours per week if they are stuying a course at or above UK egree level at a higher eucation institution

§10 hours per week if they are stuying a course that is below UK egree level at a higher eucation institution

§学习课程为英国本科学位以及以上,每周最多可工作 20 小时

§学习课程为英国本科学位以下,每周最多可工作 10 小时。


Work placements can be full-time for the work-placement perio,if theTier 4 sponsor is highly truste,an thecourse is egree level or above. Stuents can spen a maximum of 50% of their course oing work placements if they have a Tier 4 permission,their course is egree level an their eucation provier is a higher eucation provier with HTS.

学习期间的 placement/ Internship (统称为课程内带薪实习)也是时下比较多的留学生选择的方式。英国大学开设这类课程的初衷,就是为了解决和满足国际留学生在英工作的问题。一般不超过课程期总时长 50% 的时间可以用来实习,实习一般会安排在与学校有深度合作的企业,或者如果你够优秀,可以找到所学领域任何企业的实习机会,而且都是带薪,薪水标准以伦敦地区举例,可以达到月薪 2000-3000 英镑。
