Do you want to become a part of Immigration New Zealan’s fastest growing market? Immigration New Zealan (INZ) Beijing Area Office is seeking expressions of interest for the role ofDriver/Support Officer,who will provie quality aministrative support,ensure the safety an security of the official vehicle,an the safe carriage of the secone staff members an other INZ officials as require in the course of the uties.
about MBIE
The Immigration New Zealan Visa Services is part of the Ministry of Business,Innovation an Employment (MBIE). The purpose of MBIE is to grow the New Zealan economy to provie a better stanar of living for all New Zealaners. Our goal is to create a strong an high-performing economy by creating an environment that supports businesses to become more prouctive an internationally competitive.
about the role
This role involves proviing quality aministrative an file management support in accorance with the office proceures,ensure safety an security while riving,an in charge with aily maintenance of the official vehicle.
To be successful in the role you will nee to:
The remuneration is subject to caniate’s experience,an is ranging from RMB 64,095 to RMB 96,142 per year. Note: any relocation an/or accommoation costs will be at the successful caniate’s own expense.
How to apply
please sen your CV,copy of your ID as well as river license to