Kelmscott Senior High School
留学学费:14800 澳元
过去两年的成绩表包括英文翻译和学校盖章。 初中毕业证和英文翻译。 学生的中文地址。 所有文件,均需英文翻译及盖印,推荐信和成绩表必须列于学校公函信纸上,推荐信必须列出学生的学习能力和从哪一年开始就读。
Kelmscott has a proud reputation of achievement in the qualitative sciences, arts, education and on the sporting field. The positive ethos prevailing within the school is reflected by all the students wearing their school uniform with pride and by the fact that the demand for placements at the school far exceeds the number of positions available.
As one of the largest seco ndary schools in the state, Kelmscott Senior High School is able to offer an outstanding range of educatio nal resources. Well resourced faculty areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Society & Environment, Computing, Home Economics, Design & Technology, Business, LOTE, Photography, Media, Theatre, Music and Art provide a stimulating working environment. In addition, the school Library, Farm and Internet laboratories provide resources that are utilized across the curriculum.
With large student numbers, subjects can be offered in a wide variety of combinations in the time table to meet the needs of student ability and course preference. This rich curriculum offering gives the school the capacity to meet the requirements of students without compromising choice.
With an ethos ba sed on care and co-operation, the school has given a very high priority to pastoral care. The Gell Centre, named after a former principal, is a physical testimony to this commitment. The administrative and students services teams are committed to a caring positive learning environment. The school acts decisively in addressing issues of disruptive behaviour and bullying. The reputation of the school has been built on the foundations of care with co nsistent and fair discipline systems.
Kelmscott Senior High School enjoys success and a high profile in sport. A large range sports are offered as extra curricula activities during the school year. The specialist Athletics program gives a central focus to our commitment to promoting achievement in sport.
The school has a strong community focus. It welcomes parent participation through the School Board and its associated support groups. We encourage parent co ntact and interaction with teaching staff throughout the academic year.
We welcome the opportunity to share in the education of your child and look forward to your family becoming supportive members of the school community.
过去两年的成绩表包括英文翻译和学校盖章。 初中毕业证和英文翻译。 学生的中文地址。 所有文件,均需英文翻译及盖印,推荐信和成绩表必须列于学校公函信纸上,推荐信必须列出学生的学习能力和从哪一年开始就读。
学费14800 澳元
凯尔姆斯科特高级中学(Kelmscott Senior High School)位于西澳大利亚州珀斯市的东南部繁华都市地区。学校为学生提供了各种的学习领域,其中包括学术,体育,科技和艺术。凯尔姆斯科特高级中学(Kelmscott Senior High School)提供了许多教育厅专科课程(学术,音乐和农业)