如果男方是美国人,到美国大使馆办理单身证明: 单身证明可以 经本国外交部(或外交部授权机关)和我驻该国使、领馆认证的由本国公证机关出具的婚姻状况证明,或该国驻华使、领馆出具的婚姻状况证明。( 领到单身证明后最好在就近的翻译公司翻译成中文,领结婚证时用)。
3. 照结婚照
.6.到女方户口所在地的涉外婚姻登记处,携带:男方单身证明,及中文译本, 护照 ,女方户口本,身份证,两人结婚照,以上复印件
对上述证件齐全的结婚申请,经婚姻登记机关的审查了解,符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定的结婚条件和中国公民不属该规定中禁止与外国人结婚的人员,准予结婚,一个月内办理登记手续,发给结婚证。(领到结婚证后去公证处进行公证 )
If your fiance is an American need to the U.S. embassy to prove for a single. The Single proof can by The United States Ministry of Foreign (Or Foreign Affairs the Authorized agencies) and by Chinese Ambassador to the United States Embassy or Consulate have Certified by United States public notary office issued proof of marital status . (After get single proof , best in the nearest translation companies into Chinese, for you get a marriage certificate time to use.
I .Private passport Or other status, nationality documents;
2,Issued by the China public security office foreigner residence permit or The foreign affairs department Issued identity documents, or temporary entry to China the Entry, residence certificates)
3 take wedding photo
4.Copy the first page of the woman' s residence booklet and your personal page, identity card, The man' s passport photo page, Chinese Visa page , And go Through customs the Seal clearance by the customs page. Single proof,All the best to copy two.
5. In addition, both men and women to apply for a marriage, also need to submit by the marriage registration office the designated hospital have issued the Pre-marital health check-ups to prove and both men and women the photos
6. To the women ‘s registered residence the location Foreign Marriage Registry . Bring The man’s singel proof and a Chinese translation, passport, women’s residence booklet , identity card ,Two wedding photo, copy above.
7. And then registry office will let you fill tables
for above-mentioned documents is full and complete the marriage apply, by the marriage registration office to review the understanding, in line with the Marriage Law of the PRC, the stipulated for marriage conditions and Chinese citizens Do not belong to the provisions prohibiting persons married to foreigners. Grant permission to marry. within one month to Register, issued a marriage certificate. (After receiving a marriage certificate to go public notary office To notarization)